In October 2022 it was announced that Gosport Borough Council’s Regulatory Board had decided to designate Stokes Bay as a conservation area, adding a layer of protection from development. They agreed that the area of Stokes Bay has sufficient architectural and historic interest to be
considered ‘special’ and that it is desirable for the area’s character and appearance to be preserved and enhanced. They therefore agreed that
the area met the statutory definition of a Conservation Area, and merited designation as such.
The purpose of a Conservation Area is to ‘preserve and enhance’ the special historic or architectural interest of an area and help ensure that future development has regard to that special interest. Designation will not prevent development but will help to ensure that it is appropriate in form, scale, material and design such that it would not harm the setting and would help to positively enhance the site’s unique character. It will limit some permitted development rights and planning permission will be required to demolish certain buildings. Six weeks written notice will also be required to carry out a range of works to most trees.
Donald Insall Associates was appointed as Heritage Consultant for the new Conservation Area Assessment on Stokes Bay, and review of Anglesey and Alverstoke Conservation Areas. This was made possible by a Historic England grant of £18,000 which funds the consultant and a linked school’s heritage project which is delivered in partnership with Hampshire Cultural Trust. A detailed archaeological assessment of Stokes Bay and a characterisation study commissioned by Historic England highlighted the historic significance of Stokes Bay and the major role it played as part of the Gosport defences. The Friends of Stokes Bay were pleased to supply historical information to this assessment via this website.
The Conservation area includes the historic buildings of Bay House and Alverbank. Also the various remaining batteries built to defend the area in the Victorian period, namely Fort Gilkicker, Browndown Battery and the Stokes Bay Lines with Batteries No.1 No.2 (now a diving museum) and No.5. The earlier Fort Monckton is also included. The D Day Control Centre, the wall between Ashburton Road and Stokes Bay Road, the bridge over the course of the River Alver south of Alverbank and the Mason Boy’s Tower are all within the Conservation Area.
Existing Gosport conservation areas
Gosport Economic Development Board Stokes Bay Report
Alverstoke Conservation Area PDF
Anglesey Conservation Area PDF